2nd Transnational Meeting: Implementation, dissemination and follow-up at Educa, Czech Republic

From Monday 7th till Wednesday 9th, November ‘22, coordinators from the different partner institutions meet in the city of Jablonec (Czech Republic), hosted by our partner EDUCA. During the meetings held these days, we discuss the implementation, dissemination and follow-up of the activities related to our project.
Project’s Progress…MONDAY 7th, NOV. ‘22
The day starts with a tour of the city of Prague organized by EDUCA during which we get to know some of the main landmarks of this enchanting historical city. Participants in the mobility enjoy walking by the streets of this tourist city on a sunny day, being this is a great opportunity to learn in more detail about the country where one of our partners is from, and, therefore, adding to the sense of European knowledge and conscience which is an intrinsic part of Erasmus + projects.

The second part of the day is dedicated to a meeting in which Marián Díaz, director of the EOI San Roque, as the project coordinator, presents to the rest of participants a summary of the activities that have already taken place and a reminder of key aspects of the project implementation for the future. A project progress report is conducted, dealing with project management implementation; results of the mid-report evaluation; project accounts report; next mobilities and a final report.

TUESDAY 8th, NOV. ‘22
The coordinators of the different institutions inform about how they are advancing in their respective responsibilities for the project, what aims have been met and which ones are still in process. Discussions arise about how to proceed with the different lines of work and the different coordinators suggest and agree on how to proceed. The project’s website, the guide and toolbox, evaluation processes, dissemination strategies, impact results and project’s videos are considered as well as future mobilities for teachers and students. There is a firm commitment to achieve our goals in the manner and time originally agreed and this proves to be a fruitful work session.

Today, Eva Kořánová, EDUCA’s coordinator and hostess, teaches us some basic Czech words and we also get to know her school. We meet some of the teachers at this institution and visit its classrooms and offices. This allows us to have a better understanding of the work carried out by EDUCA, an institution that offers learning opportunities in a variety of languages within a professional, close to the student, environment. We thank Eva for her warm welcome to her home city and school.